
Say Hello To 2011 And Travelers!

I'm just gonna make it simple. In this very beautiful day, i'm gonna tell you about two things. Interested? Keep reading.

The first thing is I want to say
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Time passed so fast and nothing we can do about it. But talking about new year, i don't really have a so-high resolution. My resolution is just so simple: Happy Life. This is the affect of my resolution last year that mostly undone. So, yeah I'm just going to enjoy my life this year, my happy life. But even the happy life needs something to reach, maybe i will have a montly target this year. I said MAYBE.

So how to live your life as a happy life? Some people say that traveling is one of the ways. So, without any plan, I bought two great books of traveling which the author comes from two different countries. The first one is from my lovely country Indonesia, and the other one is from another beautiful country United States. These two books are so great. I'm not really sure that traveling is my hobby but I just really enjoy reading about someone's traveling story. But until now, I keep dreaming of traveling in the future.

Here's the book from Indonesia (left) and from United States (right)

So, happy holiday too since we're still in holiday. But talking about holiday, while i'm typing this posting for you, I'm on my car trip to Bandung. Haha, I'm going to talk about my holiday next time. Keep following me (read:my blog)!

Go out, see the world!-Bima


CDs And Books Are Arts

Sebelum UAS, gue membeli sebuah CD album dari Michael Buble dan sebuah kumpulan prosa yang dikarang oleh Dee. Those two great masterpieces that comes from two different person from different side of art are breathtaking. Haha breathtaking, i really don't know what word to use.

taken by stupid and riddiculous me
To begin, let's talk about dee's masterpiece. Gue akui gue bukanlah seorang yang maniak terhadap sastra. Tapi boleh dibilang gue tertarik, termasuk dengan karya Dee yang satu itu. Gue ga mengerti beberapa cerpennya. Tapi overall dari yang gue ngerti, gue berkesimpulan bahwa Dee adalah seorang penulis yang handal. Prosa-prosa yang paling gue kagumi dari 'filosofi kopi' adalah prosa-prosa pendek yang kalo lo coba tulis di word ga bakal sampe satu halaman. Prosa-prosa pendek itu to the point, langsung ke inti tapi maknanya dalem. Dan Dee di dalam prosa-prosa pendeknya itu mengangkat tema-tema yang familiar dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari yang kadang luput dari mata kita. Recommended book for you. Just read it!

taken by the stupid and riddiculous me
And this is Michael Buble! Haha It is funny to remember that I used to say 'Buble' the way you say 'bubble'. Haha really, I used to. But anyway, gue as you know sebagai salah satu lelaki yang menyukai musik jazz, menikmati lagu-lagu di dalam CD tersebut. Gue ga ngerti mau menjelaskan apa lagi. Yang jelas CD ini patut untuk dibeli oleh lo (yang ori, jangan bajakan), terutama yang menyukai jazz, seperti gue.

Well that's all. Last message from me: Tetap Berkarya!